PSHE Pacesetters
A five-week programme delivered in schools to Year 3/4 pupils. Colleagues from Kent Police, Mint Button Sewing School, and New Ash Green Dental Centre supported the content creation of each programme element. A learning booklet is provided for the children to work from. The previous ‘Looking After Myself’ sessions were delivered side-by-side with the Kent Police Youth Engagement Officer for Dartford and one of our Community Programme Team Members, looking at personal online safety.
Road Safety Assemblies
The programme has been developed and delivered in association with Kent County Council Road Safety Team. Each assembly provides information to empower children to highlight road safety issues that affect them locally and learn how to keep themselves safe on the streets around their school and locally in Dartford. Children and young people will experience decision making for themselves whilst using their own initiative.
Songwriting Programme
Each one-day songwriting workshop will inspire the next generation of songwriters and storytellers to make sense of the world we live and learn in. Previous workshops used the theme of the UEFA Women’s Euro 2022 competition to engage children and young people. The workshop is delivered by an experienced workshop tutor who removes barriers to music creation and participation by making the whole process accessible for all through the power and flexibility of music technology.